Are Old Postcards Worth Anything

If you have a collection of postcards handed down to you then you will be wondering what your inheritance is worth and are old postcards worth anything? The short answer is all postcards have some value though most old postcards are worth just a few pennies. Strange to think that something that is almost 120-years old can be worth so little but that is the honest truth.

Millions of postcards were produced in the golden age and a very large number survive today because each household would have their own postcard album. The Edwardians loved sending old postcards and with 6-deliveries a day by the local postman, even on Christmas Day then it was not unusual for you to receive your postcard through your letterbox the same day it was posted. This was a streamline service that leveraged the excellent railway infrastructure.

Many of these postcard albums were handed down through the generations with many just putting their heirloom away in the attic. Nobody knows what to do with these postcard albums because the general population think they are worthless. Their value lies in simply looking at them from time to time. But each standard postcard album normally has a few gems in there that are worth real money. Difficult to spot to the layman but they jump out to anyone who knows something about old postcards and their values.

You could have an album of 200 postcards and most of their value could be in just five of them. The rest are standard fare, very common and worth very little money. It takes time to understand what postcards have value. Any seasoned collector, postcard dealer or auctioneer will notice them instantly as they browse through the album. The value of the album would include the album itself if it’s in good condition, a few hundred standard postcards and the odd gem is where all the money is.

I remember viewing a postcard album and as I flicked through I was losing all hope. I was thinking I would be lucky to get my petrol money back but then a real gem popped out! It was a Warner Gothard postcard of an event. I collect the events and disasters of this Barnsley photographer. This one I did not have and I paid £200 for the album. £50.00 for 200 postcards and album and £150.00 for the Warner Gothard postcard. This is an example of how postcard albums can sometimes spring welcome surprises.

If you are hoping to get a high valuation you just need to hope that your ancestors received some special postcards through their letterbox. Condition is always important but if a postcard is scarce I would not hesitate to buy it even in poor condition. I would just wait for a better copy to come along although there are no guarantees that will happen. I have turned my nose up at many postcards hoping for a better example and 40-years later I have never seen another?

If you have a collection of postcards that would like valued then please feel free to Contact Us. You can take as many photos as you want on your mobile and send them to us for free using WhatsApp. There is no obligation to sell and we will give you an honest appraisal. We look forward to hearing from you.

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